Police Department Wellness Unit Testimonials:
San Diego, CA Police Wellness Unit.
I gave some to the Background investigators and to our Child Abuse Detectives.
“Thank you so much for gifting our unit with the temple massagers! The second I
handed them out, everyone immediately started to use them. The mood in the office
instantly lifted, and there was an abundance of smiles and laughter The detectives were
truly touched at the thoughtful gift, and they all talked about the immediate relief they
experienced from using them.”
Denver, CO Police Wellness Unit.
As dispatchers in a major metropolitan area, we are inundated with stress on a
continuous basis. We have a wall of screens in front of us and are bombarded with high
levels of lights and sounds for 12+ hours a day. We don’t often get away from our
consoles, which means we are absolutely prone to headaches. After just a few minutes
with the Temple Massager, my team was hooked! They often suffer headaches and
were really impressed with how quickly they experienced relief.
Santa Rosa, CA Police.
With the help of the on-site Wellness Program Coordinator, distribution and access of
the TM devices was provided to the personnel of the Santa Rosa Police Department.
Within 24 Hrs. of drop off, a dispatcher reported significant relief and alleviation of a
severe Migraine within 10 minutes of using the Temple Massager. This scenario would
normally have resulted in the individual leaving work early, using sick time and the
department being left short staffed. All of which were averted by use of the Temple
Cleveland, OH Police Officer
I am a police officer in Cleveland, Ohio. Our stress consultant let me use a Temple Massager in the office. I had instant relief, I wish I could get two. One for the zone car and one for home. Thank you again
San Jose, CA Police Wellness Unit.
The Temple Massager devices we purchased keep disappearing from use, that’s a good sign!